CBSE Class 12 exam pattern for 2025


The CBSE Class 12 exam pattern for 2025 has a few changes that you should know about

Exam Pattern:

  • – The exam will be offline, and each paper will be of 3 hours.
  • – The question paper pattern will have MCQs (20%), competency-based questions (30%), and short/long answer type questions (50%).
  • – The maximum marks for each subject will be 100.– The exam will be offline, and each paper will be of 3 hours.
  • – The question paper pattern will have MCQs (20%), competency-based questions (30%), and short/long answer type questions (50%).
  • – The maximum marks for each subject will be 100.

Subject-wise Marking Scheme:

– For science subjects like Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, the theory paper will be of 70 marks, and practicals will be of 30 marks.
– For Commerce subjects like Accounts,  Business Studies, and Economics, the theory paper will be of 80 marks, and Practical will be  of  20 marks.
– For Maths, the written exam will be worth 80 marks, and internal assessment will be worth 20 marks.

Other Important Details:


– The exams will be held once a year, and the frequency of the exams might vary depending on the subject.
– To pass, you need to score at least 33% in each subject and in aggregate.

Remember to check the official CBSE website for the latest updates and more detailed information.